April 6, 2011

Don't Talk To Me About Muhammad!

I just wanted share one of my all-time favorite nasheeds by Dawud Wharnsby called "Don't Talk To Me About Muhammad".

Well basically, the nasheed is a famous story.. It shows the true beauty of Islam and our beloved Prophet (saw)'s character! How amazing. :)

So here you go!

The Prophet (pbuh) offered to help this woman, and all she does throughout their encounter is to mock and malign the Prophet (pbuh). Yet, he says nothing. He continues to help the woman with her load. He does not lash back at her; He does not pray for God's destruction upon her; He does not drop her stuff and let her fend for herself. No. He helps the woman anyway, and when she finds out who he is, all she could do was follow him into Islam.

Yet, the fact that she became Muslim is not the most important aspect of this story. It was the Prophet's character that's amazing the most. It is this aspect of the Prophet's Sunnah that many of us have completely neglected. 

Insha'Allah, we could all strive to be like our beloved Prophet (saw). What better role model would you want? :) 

Feel free to comment and/or share! PS: Follow me for more posts on Islam! :)


  1. Love this nasheed too! :D
    Whenever I tell people the title, theyre like O_o!!

  2. Haha, yeah the title can be a little misleading. I clicked on this on Youtube thinking it was some Islam hater talking about Muhammad (saw).
