August 5, 2011

Wait.. So Jesus was a Muslim?

That's right. Jesus is my homeboy too. 

Muslims believe in a chain of prophets starting with Adam and including Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job, Moses, Aaron, David, Solomon, Elias, Jonah, John the Baptist, and Jesus, peace and blessings be upon them all! But God's final message to man, a reconfirmation of the eternal message, was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad through Gabriel.

July 29, 2011

Who Was Muhammad?

A man of likeable temperament. Hair thick and long. Eyes black and large. Neither tall nor short. His face glowed like the moon. When he walked, he leaned forward. When he spoke, he spoke the truth. He was Muhammad, known to be Al Amin, The Trustworthy.

June 18, 2011

Real Freedom: I Couldn't Have Said It Better!

By: Bro. Abu Khattab

You call me weird but I say that I’m different,
You call me barbaric but I say I’m risk free.
You call me a loser but I’m thankful for my possessions,
You call me fanatical but I only obey.

June 17, 2011

When I'm Bored, I Edit Stuff.

This post, will be my new "Edited-Picture-Quotes-Stuff" post. If that makes any sense.. 

So insha'Allah, I'll be adding to it, and feel free to use/spread any of these. You can also make requests for one of these "Quote-Picture" thingies if you want. (Forgive me, my vocabulary is very limited, *sigh*..)

Just leave a comment and I'll get back to it.

June 16, 2011

"From A Very Visible Niqaabi to Her Self-Appointed Champion"

This letter is in response to Mona el-Tahawy and her stance on the niqaab ban [See link: Mona Eltahawy on France's banning of face veils]. This has got to be one of the best articles I've read concerning the niqab. Pro-niqab or Anti-niqab? You take your stance.

April 6, 2011

Don't Talk To Me About Muhammad!

I just wanted share one of my all-time favorite nasheeds by Dawud Wharnsby called "Don't Talk To Me About Muhammad".

Well basically, the nasheed is a famous story.. It shows the true beauty of Islam and our beloved Prophet (saw)'s character! How amazing. :)